Mother: ellaine lets go and have lunch
Ellaine: what is our lunch, mama
Ellaine:Ok mama,i'll be right there. by the way ma Gender and development program will be on February 6 and the schedule of cleaning is on 12. but i am sure you can't attend.
Mother:yes I definitely can't go
Ellaine:it's ok ma and there is also a fee needed to pay, my teacher said if you have money you can pay already.
Mother:ok i'll keep that in mind.let's eat.


Shift on communicative strategy:

Nomination: My mom is the one who opens the topic,which means she's the one who carries out the nomination.

Topic shifting: My mom called me to eat and then i am the one who changed the topic about the GAD program.

Termination: My mom ends up our conversation so we can start to eat.

Shift on speech context: the conversation above between me and my mom is interpersonal because we are two talking to each other.

Shift on Speech Act:my mom is expressing her feeling that she can't go to the said program

Shift on Speech Style: Me and my Mom are having an intimate talk,since we have a Mother-Daughter relationship